Olight 18650 2600mAh (Cyan)
Official specifications:
- Type: 18650-2600mAh
- Model No: ORB-186P26
- Chemistry: Li-ion
- Capacity (mAh): 2600
- Voltage: 3.7V
- Maximum Charge Current: 2600mA (1C)
- Maximum Discharge Current: 4200mA
- Charge Current: 1300mA (0.5C)
- Charging Cycle: 500 times
- Weight: 47g
- Dimensions: Diameter 18.6mm, Length 69.5mm(D x H)
A fairly low capacity and low current cell by todays standard.
The two cells tracks very nicely, the cells are not for high current there is a significant voltage drop at 5A (The cells are only rated for 4.2A).
These cells looks like good cells, but they are not up to the modern cells with neither capacity nor current (They will work perfectly in most flashlights).
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries